Sunday 26 June 2011

Delbard Roses The Painter's Collection - Maurice Utrillo inspired Macarons

It's winter in Canberra and the garden tends to lack a bit of colour but hiding underneath their cloaks of green, I can see little white and purple violets peeking through. Everybody knows that I absolutely adore violets but instead of making yet another violet macaron I decided to make some inspired by French roses in my garden.  Specifically, Maurice Utrillo from the Delbard Roses Painter's Collection.  

Maurice Utrillo definitely has the WOW factor.
Swirls of colour

To make this macaron follow the basic recipe.  For the ganache use a 2:1 ratio of white chocolate to cream and add a splash of rose water and rose food colouring - have fun!

To order bare rooted French Delbard Roses online visit Rankins Roses.


  1. OoooooO love your square cake plate!

    and the macarons too!

  2. Anonymous7/03/2011

    Hey, Lady Mac! Missing you over at Mactweets. A lot of your fruity ones could match the June #20 theme. Anyway, hope you are well. These swirly macarons are a work of art and they are pretty and vibrant like those painted roses. :-)


Little macaron kisses for leaving me a comment. I may not reply to each one but I certainly do read them - thank you.