Saturday 3 December 2011

Vintage 1930s MACARONi Croquettes

One-quarter lb. macaroni, 1/2 pint milk, 1 oz butter, 1/2 oz flour, 1 gill cream, 2 oz cheese, 2 eggs, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1 salt spoonful pepper, 1 grain cayenne, 3 tablespoons bead-crumbs.

Wash well the macaroni, place it in a saucepan, cover it with the milk, and boil slowly for 3/4 hour.  Drain the macaroni well on a sieve, and cut it in 1/2-inch. lengths; melt the butter in a saucepan; add the flour, then,  by degrees, the cream; stir all till boiling, boil 2 minutes, take the pan at once from the fire, add the cut macaroni, pepper, salt and cayenne; grate the cheese, add it also, then drop in yolks of 2 eggs, stir well together, and place on one side till quite cook; roll the mixture into small balls; beat well the whites of the eggs on a plate, roll the balls in the whites then place the breadcrumbs on a plate and roll the balls also ini it; heat some clarified fat in a stew pan, and when the smoke rises drop in the balls and brown them for 2 minutes; drain on a sheet of kitchen paper and serve very hot.

One-quarter lb.  macaroni equals 4 ounces
1/2 pint milk is 300ml
1 oz butter equals one tablespoon
1/2 ounce flour is roughly 15 grams
1 gill cream equals approx 142 ml

My tips;
I cooked the macaroni for about 15 minutes.
Make sure you watch the macaroni/milk on the stove so that it doesn't boil over.
For a family of four double the recipe.
Instead of rolling balls, I poured the macaroni into a non-stick pan, sprinkled the cheese on top, poured the sauce over the top then blended with a wooden spoon to combine the mixture.  
Smooth the top of the macaroni with the back of a spoon then place cling wrap on the surface.  Place in the fridge to set.
Cut into squares then follow the recipe above by rolling the squares in egg white and breadcrumbs.
When cooked serve with a sprinkle of lemon juice and a green salad.

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