Friday 25 November 2011

Vintage Scones circa 1899

Today, is too wet to make macarons so instead I've had a vintage recipe cooking day.  I'm sick and tired of buying inferior quality cake and biscuits from the supermarket as snacks for my gorgeous girls.  So its back to basics and vintage cooking!  This delicious scone recipe is circa 1899. 

One pound of flour, 1 tablespoon of butter, 2 teaspoons of baking powder, a good 1/2 pint milk, 1 level teaspoon salt.

Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt together; work in the butter with finger-tips till it is fine like crumbs; mix in the milk, and form into a dough with the blade of a knife; knead lightly; roll out about 1/2 an inch thick, and bake in a quick oven.


1 pound of flour is about 453 grams
1/2 pint milk is about 300ml
A quick oven - I cooked my scones at 220 degrees celsius for 12 minutes.


My nanna taught me to dab milk on top of the scones with your fingertips so that they brown nicely and wrap them in a tea towel after getting them straight out of the oven to keep them moist and warm.
Always put your scones close together 

All wrapped up
Chantilly Cream and Apricot Jam

1 comment:

  1. gonna try leaving a comment here (blogger has been naughty to me!):

    Love them scones!


Little macaron kisses for leaving me a comment. I may not reply to each one but I certainly do read them - thank you.